Monday, September 5, 2011

2011 South African ISP of the Year

MyBroadband just announced a poll to decide the 2011 South African Internet Service Provider of the year. The nominees are: Afrihost, Axxess, MWEB, Openweb and Web Africa.

If you are with any of these ISPs (or would like to be with any of these ISPs), then I would urge you to go here and vote. You do need an account to vote, but it's really easy (and free) to create one. MyBroadband don't ever send spam, and there are other cool incentives to keeping an account there.

My vote went to Afrihost. I guess I'm really biased, because the only other one of those ISPs I've ever belonged to was MWEB, and that was back when I was still on dial-up! Still, I have been thoroughly satisfied with Afrihost for the two years or so that I've been with them. I can't remember a time when they've experienced any downtime. I've had to deal with their call centre maybe three times (via e-mail), and each time--even over a weekend--my query was resolved in an absolute minimum of time! Plus, their CEO, Gian Visser (Follow him on Twitter here) is a great guy! He always responds to his mentions, and occasionally throws out Twitter competitions where you can win great prizes. He's always engaging with his followers.

I hope I've convinced South African ADSL users to go and vote, and I hope that I've given you some idea of who to vote for if you haven't already!

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