Monday, April 26, 2010

Windows 7 At Last

It is with a bitter sweet sensation that I announce that I have finally moved over from Windows Vista SP2, to Windows 7 on my work notebook.

Oh, the new task bar is amazing! It’s so much faster than Vista was on this machine (possibly faster even than XP would’ve been). User Access Control is still around, but far less intrusive. And, deep zoom is out of this world cool (am using it right now—beats pressing my face into the monitor to see what’s going on!

But I forgot to back up my e-mail archives! I even had a checklist of items to back up on Friday, and I went through the list carefully ticking each item… and “E-mail Archives” was on the list! Three years of e-mails, gone! I mean, the very first e-mail my boss sent me on my first day at the company, asking for my income tax number, and every e-mail (except those sent/received less than one month ago, which are still on the server) sent or received since. I felt sick!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Nearly Impossible Task for Today

So the celebrity Survivor South Africa finished last night, with a live finale show where the winner was announced… and I didn’t watch it. We don’t get M-Net (the channel that broadcasts Survivor South Africa), so I ask my mom to record it to DVD for us every week. We’ve been watching religiously, and I don’t want to know who won last night before I’ve seen it for myself.

It’s arrived at a showdown between Ashley Hayden, an aging (by which I of course mean around 40—this is show business, after all!) television presenter, and Gigi, an exotic dancer and owner of the Lollipop Lounge, the most well known strip club in South Africa. I’m hoping that Gigi will win, because I’m not happy with the way Ashley conducted herself during the show. Still, there’s much ado about this one, and it could turn out to be a very interesting finale!

So for today, I am not listening to the radio. I’m staying away from Twitter and Facebook, and I’m definitely not going anywhere near any South African news websites! And please, can everybody resist the urge to comment on this blog post and tell me who won (since I will not be able to stay away from my e-mail)?

Do you think I’ll make it through to tonight without finding out?


P.S. My normal practice would have been to go and find links for Survivor South Africa, Ashley Hayden, Gigi, and Lollipop Lounge. I’m not going to do that, because any pages I find might have information on them that I don’t want to see right now. You’ve gots-ta get up real early in the morning to catch ol’ Yogi Bear!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello Google (Windows Live Spaces sucks)

I used to have a blog on Windows Live Spaces, and I used to have my Facebook Notes automatically pull new posts from my blog into my profile. For the first time in a few months, I added a blog entry yesterday. Knowing that it can take a couple of hours for the post to propagate to Facebook, I waited, and waited, and waited. Since I had also shared my new blog post through my Twitter account, I decided to click on the link I had posted to the Permalink of my blog entry. Lo and behold, I got redirected to the Windows Live login screen!

What?! Are they serious?

I don’t want people to have to have a Windows Live account in order to see my blog posts (besides, Facebook can’t access the feed from my blog anymore). So I guess that means, “Goodbye Live Spaces, hello Blogger!”